Financial Reports

2022 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.

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2021 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.

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2020 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.

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2019 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.

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2018 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.

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2017 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.
Full Screen version

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2017 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.

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2016 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.

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2016 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.

Full Screen version

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Independent Auditors’ Report on the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements

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KELER LTD. Consolidated Financial Statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union for the year ended 31 December 2023


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2022 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.

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2021 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.

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2020 Annual Report of KELER Central Securities Depository Ltd.

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