Financial markets have been creating a large number of instruments, most frequently shares bonds and collective investment vehicles; however, there are derivatives and currencies among these instruments also. The Classification of Financial Instruments, i.e. the CFI code was created based on the ISO 10962 standard and the Financial Instrument Short Name, i.e. the FISN code was created based on the ISO 18774 standard for the clear grouping of instruments.
The CFI and FISN codes of all instruments are generated by the members of ANNA (Association of National Numbering Agency), in Hungary by KELER. These codes are no need to be required as KELER automatically generates them. KELER creates CFI and FISN codes of instruments issued in Hungary.
The CFI code is generated in same time as the ISIN code, in case of dematerialized securities the FISN code is issued after the generation of instruments and in case of printed securities the FISN code is generated in same time as the code.
Please note that ISIN code of the instrument is constant but the CFI and FISN codes may change whit the modification of the instrument details.
CFI code structure
The CFI code contains 6 alphanumeric characters; each character refers to a specific attribute of the instrument:
- The first character indicates the highest level of classification and differentiates between categories:
- Equities (E)
- Collective investment vehicles (C)
- Debt instruments (D)
- Entitlement (rights) (R)
- Listed options (O)
- Futures (F)
- Swaps (S)
- Non-listed and complex listed options (H)
- Spot (I)
- Forwards (J)
- Strategies (K)
- Financing (L)
- Referential instruments (T)
- Others (miscellaneous) (M)
2. The second character indicates specific groups within each category; such as common/ordinary shares, preferred/preference shares for equities, standard for collective investment vehicles and bonds or money market instruments for debt instruments.
3. The last four characters indicate the most relevant attributes applicable to each group such as voting rights, restrictions or payment status in case of equities, status and form for collective investment vehicles, interest or guarantee for debt instruments.
FISN code structure
The FISN code has a maximum length of 35 characters, which can be divided into two major groups:
- issuer short name
- instrument description which sequence and abbreviation are defined by ISO standard
- “/” as the delimiter between the issuer short name and the instrument description
The securities data (including securities codes) are issued in Hungary can be found on KELER’s website under ‘ISIN Searcher’ section.
KELER uses the point (.) as a decimal point in accordance with the international standards. If you intend to open these databases in .csv extensions, they may appear in a different format depending on the locale configuration of the spreadsheet software used. If you encounter incorrect data when reading a file, please follow the instructions below to change the setting of the decimal point you are using:
If you find the invalid information in the securities database and you are entitled to update them please be so kind to contact KELER as a central depository to modify these data.