As a specialised credit institution, KELER Központi Értéktár Zrt. (KELER Central Depository Ltd., hereinafter as “KELER”) is a member institution of the National Deposit Insurance Fund of Hungary (Országos Betétbiztosítási Alap, hereinafter as “OBA”), and thus the balances of the deposit accounts of our customers not falling within the scope of excepted institutions pursuant to Section 213 (1) of Hungarian Act CCXXXVII of 2013 on Credit Institutions and Financial Enterprises (hereinafter as “Credit Institutions Act”) shall be insured by OBA in accordance with the applicable legislation.
OBA’s rules of deposit insurance are available in the General Business Rules of KELER at the following link: GBR
Further information is available on the website of OBA ( and in OBA’s information notice entitled “Compass for Deposit Insurance” (Iránytű a betétbiztosításhoz).
In accordance with the Credit Institutions Act and the decisions of the Board of Directors of OBA, at the customer’s request to this end, KELER shall provide summary information for customers on the amount deposited in the insured deposit account and the key information on deposit insurance. At the customer’s request, the information notice may be sent by post or electronic means or handed over personally at KELER's registered office. Credit institutions are required to make the information notice available to their depositors free of charge once a year.
According to the provisions of the Credit Institutions Act, KELER shall also provide its customers having a deposit insured by OBA with basic information on deposit insurance, the content of which is regulated in Annex 6 to the Credit Institutions Act (“Information for depositors”), in the manner and with the frequency set out in the same act.