Information on amandment of BIC code list

Dear Clients,

Herewith we inform you that the BIC code list of KELER’s participants had been modified.

The modification was necessary due to the below reasons:

  • Name of KELER participant behind main account number 0070 has changed from MKB Bank Nyrt. to MBH Bank Nyrt.;
  • Name of KELER participant behind main account number 0074 has changed from MTB Zrt. to MBH Befektetési Bank Zrt.;
  • Name of KELER participant behind main account number 0424 has changed from Takarék Jelzálogbank Nyrt. to MBH Jelzálogbank Nyrt.;
  • Name of KELER participant behind main account number 0789 has changed from MKB Bank Nyrt. to MBH Bank Nyrt.;
  • KELER main account number 0759 (Takarékbank Zrt.) has been terminated.

For your convenience, we also make available the BIC code list in excel with track changes and also in a clean format.
