Dear Clients,
We would like to inform you that the CAPS test period has been executed successfully; accordingly, KELER decided to go live with the new version of CAPS.
The new version covers the introduction of three new services:
- shareholder identification performed by KELER via CAPS and SWIFT
- forwarding of shareholder identification via CAPS and SWIFT (performed by participants outside KELER)
- SWIFT connection
The shareholder identification functions will go live on 31 March 2021 at the end of the day, live operation begins on 1 April 2021. Before this date the start of the shareholder identification is not possible by issuer clients.
We had the opportunity to begin the sending of SWIFT messages as early as 29 March. Accordingly, notices of the general meeting and corporate events are sent and received from this day via SWIFT as well if it was indicated by our client in the CAPS contract.
As per the request of our clients, the CAPS test environment will remain open until 16 April 2021. Until this date testing of the CAPS system can be continued under the same conditions.
We close the SWIFT message traffic two days after the previously announced deadline, on 31 March 2021 at the end of the day (SWIFT messages can be tested until this deadline).
We continue to be at your service at the email address.